Our Mission

For too long, science has merely chipped away at solving the problem of mental and neurological illnesses, particularly in women. That is partly because traditional research doesn’t ask the right questions, measure the most relevant factors, or collect sufficient data to make meaningful discoveries. We believe it is time for a new approach to brain health research — one that is personalized, inclusive, and leverages today’s technologies to deliver better solutions.

Our Team

Our dedicated team is driven by the desire to improve women’s brain health and is equipped to tackle this challenge. We are a diverse group with backgrounds in neuroscience, clinical research, data science, and technology. We are strongly committed to combining our expertise to help change the way brain health research is done and deliver better outcomes.

Our Team

Our Technology

We are experienced neuroscience researchers who know the limitations of existing research tools. Those tools fail to take advantage of recent technological advances, which limits the scientific and healthcare community’s ability to perform the types of studies needed to make real progress. That is why we built the wmnHealth research platform. Our technology enables:

Large-scale studies

Large-scale studies that have the power to reveal insights that may be missed by smaller ones.

Intelligent insights and solutions

Intelligent insights and solutions to help you protect and improve your mental and neurological health.

High-frequency data collection

High-frequency data collection to accelerate the research process and make it more precise.

Real-world research 

Real-world research on the behaviors, experiences, thoughts, and activities that impact your brain health.

Openness and communication

Openness and communication about what we learn and why it matters.